Innovation Network PerFluSan
Perfluorinated Tensides/Surfactants - New remediation processes for soil and water and prevention of discharge through fluorine-free high-performance extinguishing foams
About PerFluSan
The ZIM cooperation network PerFluSan is dedicated to the problem of perfluorinated and polyfluorinated tensides/surfactants (PFT) and chemicals (PFC) in the environment. The research conducted by the network partners aims at creating new solutions for remediating PFT-contaminated soils and waters, for PFT analytics and for the prevention of future PFT discharge into the environment. Our long-term vision is to become the central contact point for all aspects of PFT/PFC in Germany.
Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Volker Birke
(Hochschule Wismar)